Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Supernatural Tales 28 - now available!

Supernatural Tales 28
Cover art by Sam Dawson

Yes, let joy be unconfined, if only for a little while. The new issue of ST can now be purchased in print form, or as an ebook for Kindle (or things that run the Kindle app).

Print Version (site accepts PayPal)
PDF Version

Smashwords (all formats, accepts PayPal)

Kindle UK
Kindle US
Kindle Canada

(Pop over to the Buy Supernatural Tales! page for links to purchase back issues.)

Here's the contents list.

'Bright Hair About the Bone' by Jacob Felsen.

'Doorways' by William Wandless.

'Mr and Mrs Havisham' by Gillian Bennett.

'Look Both Ways' by Sam Dawson.

'A Name in the Dark' by Michael Chislett.

'Fiveplay' by E. Michael Lewis. 

'The Shrouder' by William I.I. Read

'Snowman, Frozen' by Tim Foley.

I've said it before, I know, but I think there's something for everyone here. There are ghosts, in the traditional sense, and there are less conventional revenants. There is at least one fallen angel, two or more demons (I can't really decide), witches, strange children, and an entity that crosses from the realm of the imagination to become all too real. There is love, lyricism and wonder amid the suspense, strangeness, and 'pleasing terror'. In other words, it's another issue of Supernatural Tales. Let it make of you what it will...


Mark Fuller Dillon said...

Glad to see this! I've posted about one of the stories here:

valdemar said...

Thanks, Mark.

Tim Foley - Debut Collection

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