Thursday 25 October 2007

Accolade (not a soft drink)

Some good news - Helen Grant's story 'The Sea Change' from ST11 has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. This follows an inquiry from a leading anthology editor about the story. I was greatly impressed with 'The Sea Change' myself, of course, but I wouldn't have named it as the strongest story in the issue. Shows what I know. (The story is also topping the ST readers poll.)

Other news - the Mike Chislett special, A Game of Ghosts, has been printed and will be delivered soon (I hope). The magazine proper, ST12, is due for printing early next month. I will be a bit of a race to get overseas copies out before the Christmas period, which (judging from Tesco this afternoon) is almost upon us.

So, things are quite good really. But I'm tired, God I'm tired. Work is getting harder as I get older, I suppose. Can I rediscover the joy of writing? If not, it'll be no show on the fiction front. I've no intention of doing work I don't enjoy in my free time.

Oh, and I've bought a laptop so I can sit up in bed and (possibly) write deathless prose. And edit the magazine. When one finishes another begins.

Wednesday 10 October 2007


Okay, sorry I'm so late. The sitch is as follows:

1. The ST Mike Chislett special is at the printer and due for delivery next week.
2. The regular ST12 is also at the printer but no fixed date for delivery as yet. Let's say late October.
3. The postal system is in meltdown. Let's hope they sort it out before Xmas.
4. I've been asked to write some stories for a new publisher. I am flattered. I am also worried that I won't be able to produce anything good...

Stay tuned for terror!

'The Fifth Moon'

This is the final part of a running review of  Lost Estates  by Mark Valentine (Swan River Press 2024) The final story in this splendidly pr...