Saturday 29 December 2007

Reggie Pulls It Off

Back Home after visiting the folks at Xmas. Reading Masques of Satan, by R. Oliver Esq. I'm three stories in and, yet again, stand (or lie in bed) amazed at the man's brilliance. Three books, and he's showing no signs of flagging. Even branching out into sci-fi. And the illustrations are as masterful as ever. I wonder if there's any point in reviewing a book this good? The word of mouth should be enough. But I'll have a go anyway, in ST13.

Saturday 22 December 2007

Have Yourself a Major Spooky Christmas

Lots of ghost stories on the TV and radio this year. Perhaps this is because we are living through a time of economic/political uncertainty. Or somebody at the BBC had an attack of taste. Whatever the reason, it's a good thing. I actually watched Denholm Elliott in 'The Signal-Man' all the way through the other night. Unfortunately, I also watched 'The Haunted Airman', based on a Dennis Wheatley novel. Well, what do you expect from the old bore? Serves me right.
On the wireless, it's MRJ all the way for Radio 4. No less than five stories, Monday to Friday, introduced by Sir Derek Jacobi. Ro Pardoe has kindly asked me to review these for the G&S newsletter, so at least I haven't disgraced myself in 2007. On BBC 7 the second wacky retro adventure for The Scarifyers has arrived, and it involves a character who is clearly based on MRJ. Even better, this story has a Lovecraftian theme. 'Ia! Cthulhu f'thagn! And a Happy New Year!'

Issue 56 ezine available on Amazon for download

 The link to the ezine is here .