Monday, 17 November 2014

Friends of the Dead - new from Sarob

Regular readers of Ghosts & Scholars and All Hallows magazine won't need to be told that James Doig is a consistently good author of supernatural tales. His stories fall into the M.R. James tradition, but certainly rise above pastiche. So it's good news that Robert Morgan of Sarob Press is releasing a splendid hardback collection of tales by James Doig, including one previously unpublished story. Here is the contents list from the Sarob blog.
Stories: “Malware*” “Wolferton Hall” “The Kindness of Strangers” “Mathrafal” “Threads” “The Wild Hunt” “The Land Where Fairies Linger*” “Out of the West” “The Dead Heart” “Friends of the Dead” 
*previously unpublished. With an introduction by the author.
The cover art by Paul Lowe - as you can see above - is typically evocative. If people will go rummaging about in old books and fiddling with historic churches, well...

You can find out more about James Doig at the Australian Horror Writers Association. Yes, he is Australian. No, there are no kangaroos in his work that I am aware of. You had to ask. Tsk.


Unknown said...

I thought James wrote "Murders in the Roo Morgue"... must have been Joey Hill.

valdemar said...

Now if I'd written that, I'd be going to Pommy hell!

Unknown said...

I won't ask for a description of that place, but I imagine that, crossing two oceans, the ferryman asks for a bigger tip than does the one at the Styx.

Tim Foley - Debut Collection

PS Publishing has announced a new book by ST regular Tim Foley. It looks good! There's both a trade paperback and a signed hardcover ed...