Wednesday 15 August 2018


A veteran of the endless 'war on terror' ends up destitute in a provincial town, like so many others. There he falls in with other damaged men, and they spend their nights drinking and yarning. One day a mysterious 'Colonel' offers the protagonist and a large friend a chance to make some easy money. Go to this address and intimidate the person who lives there.

This story in Sparks from the Fire by Rosalie Parker could go many ways. What happens is that the hired muscle encounter a pleasant middle-aged woman called Sheila, who the Colonel claims to be a witch. She has hexed him, and nothing he does can lift the curse. What's more, Sheila offers the former squaddie the chance to recover and leave the canal towpath behind.

This is a decent enough story, but seems oddly low stakes given the larger themes. It reads like an episode from a longer story, or a first draft. I expected more of it, given the premise, and was rather disappointed.

Never mind. More from this collection soon!

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'Schalken the Painter' by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

A reading by yours truly of one of the all-time classics. I hope you enjoy it!  I'm told my voice sends people to sleep so maybe try it ...