It's sort of nearly there, in a way. Well, I've got a lot of the editing done and written a nice review, and done a retrospective on a good book of ghost stories. A few bits and bobs still need doing. One thing I think I have got sorted is the cover. See what you think.
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Tim Foley - Debut Collection
PS Publishing has announced a new book by ST regular Tim Foley. It looks good! There's both a trade paperback and a signed hardcover ed...
Some good news - Helen Grant's story 'The Sea Change' from ST11 has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. This follows an inqu...
Cover illo by Sam Dawson, for Steve Duffy's story 'Forever Chemicals', which offers an interesting take on the London of the e...
Cover by Paul Lowe illustrating 'Screen Burn' Steve Duffy's latest collection offers the discerning reader eight stories, five...
I think it looks grand. Plus, I know Tony Lovell's a real gent and deserving of extra attention (like his photography on a cover or two). Not to mention, of course, he's a wonderful writer.
I'm looking forward to seeing issue 14 of ST. I hear there's at least one story written by someone who is incredibly handsome.
I too am eager to see ST14, especially if there's a nomis story. I thought his most recent one in ST - which I won't name so that I don't blow his cover and invite night's black agents down upon my head - was quite good indeed.
I have an embarrassing admission, though (which I will now announce to the known universe): I'm not sure of my subscription status. Do I need to renew to get 14? Thanks.
Ah yes, we must not reveal the true identity of the nomster. And yes, Tony is a gent. He's working on a novel, so the long-ish story by him in ST14 might be one of his last bits of short fiction for a while. Very odd it is, too.
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