Saturday, 16 October 2021

Hallowe'en Movies - The Changeling (1980)

George C. Scott in a stylish horror movie? Well, yes - this is an oddity, and all the odder because it seems to fall so squarely into the haunted house genre. In fact The Changeling delivers some good scares and interesting plot twists that leave you wondering what the finale will be. Scott, as a troubled composer, is gruffly believable, and the supporting cast is excellent. Despite the trailer's suggestion that this is kind of full-on stuff, much of the film is subtle and even understated. A ghost story for grown-ups who want a story that engages all the various bits of the brain, not just that primal stuff. 

1 comment:

Australian Horror said...

It has some creepy moments, but the thing that holds it back from being a truly memorable watch is its length. It's too long by at least 20 minutes.

Still, there are worse ways to spend a couple of hours than seeing George strut his stuff.

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