Monday, 6 March 2017

Tatsuya Morino

A Japanese take on Gothic illustration, here, taken from this page. See if you can guess what they are meant to be before you click on the link and find out.

Gothic monster illustration by Tatsuya Morino --

Gothic monster illustration by Tatsuya Morino --

Gothic monster illustration by Tatsuya Morino --

Gothic monster illustration by Tatsuya Morino --

1 comment:

Aonghus Fallon said...

I think it's pretty obvious. The first was an illustration for the long-running werewolf serial, 'George Bernard Jaws'. The second was for a popular strip from the same period (the early Seventies): 'Liberty and Bilbo'. Bilbo Baggins was in volatile relationship with Statue of Liberty, if memory serves me correctly - it was political satire, with a strong erotic element.

Of course I could be wrong.

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