Friday, 20 January 2017

Robert Westall Radio Adaptations

I've been feeling distinctly low energy since well before Christmas, so posting here has been desultory. Sorry. I have been listening to a lot of old radio stuff on YouTube, acting like hi-tech fogey. Here are two BBC radio plays based on stories by Robert Westall. Having read them both I can testify to their faithfulness.

'The Wheatstone Pond' is the story of an antique dealer who hopes that the eponymous pond will yield a few interesting items when it is drained. Instead, horrors of the past are dredged up. The story was originally published alongside 'The Stones of Muncaster Cathedral' in a single volume. The latter story is also about ancient horrors striking deep into modern lives, and concerns a steeplejack and a very unpleasant gargoyle.

Both are good winter listens. The poster has added commercials, but I don't think they are overly intrusive.


Westville 13 said...

Thank you so much for posting these. I found the book a year or so ago (possibly from a reference here?) and these are very good adaptations. Do you know when they were recorded?

valdemar said...

'The Wheatstone Pond' dates from 2004, 'Muncaster' from 1996.

Westville 13 said...

Thank you.

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