Thursday 1 September 2016

A New Book Has Arrived!

Lynda E. Rucker, whose work has appeared in several issues of ST, has a new book out from Dublin's Swan River Press. It is of course bound to be a spiffing read, as Lynda is the genuine article - a serious, literary author of 'quiet horror' whose work is disquieting, inspiring, and oddly reassuring. It's good to know that there are writers so gifted working in our genre.

The new collection, You'll Know When You Get There (excellent title, btw) contains two previously unpublished stories plus tales from magazines and anthologies, including 'The Wife's Lament' from ST #24.

I seem to be very busy with assorted things at the moment, but will take time to read a story a day and blog about them. I know, a radical plan, but somebody has to do it. In the meantime, wise readers should mosey on over to Swan River and order a copy, as they will soon be sold out.

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'Schalken the Painter' by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

A reading by yours truly of one of the all-time classics. I hope you enjoy it!  I'm told my voice sends people to sleep so maybe try it ...