Monday, 20 June 2016

Sentinels - now available in paperback and ebook formats

My novella Sentinels, a homage* to M.R. James, is available here if you like that sort of thing.

I don't normally refer to 'real world' stuff here, but the launch of my first book doesn't feel like a big deal. Not compared to the terrible things happening to good people in the name of bigotry and ignorance.

Still, anyone feeling the need for a bit of light escapism might like it, I suppose.

Update - here I am reading an extract from the book, possibly with the opposite of the desired effect, who knows?

*'homage' in this context means "If he was still alive I'd need a very good lawyer."


Anonymous said...

I am very excited to read this. Would that there were as many Jamesian pastiches as Lovecraftian out there. I'll start your book tonight. Also, thank you for the fine work you do on Suptales.

valdemar said...

Thank you, I hope you enjoy the book and like the characters as they'll be back in a few weeks in another exciting adventure. Don't touch that dial! Or whatever...

Unknown said...

I do, I do like that sort of thing. And it is a big deal.

Unknown said...

I do, I do like that sort of thing. And it is a big deal.

Aonghus Fallon said...

Just got a copy for my kindle, Dave. I know you're a modest sort of chap, but it might not be any harm to stick up a link to Amazon right here on this blog.

Issue 58 - Story Openings

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