Monday, 2 March 2015

The Glyphs & Other Tales of the Paranormal

Today, for one day only, Kindle users can download for free a collection of stories by me, your humble ST editor. Most of these stories were published back in the Nineties but there are a few more recent tales, plus a brand-new story. Here's a quick run-down of what's on offer via the actual blurb:

Ten stories of witchcraft, ghosts, alchemy, secret worship, monstrous beings, and strange phenomena.

In 'The Regulars' a group of friends with time on their hands do some research into a Victorian eccentric who had a thing about pub signs - and pagan religions.

'The Befriender' sees a sceptical journalist investigate a cult supposedly based on a secretive Roman cult. But what he unearths reveals as much about him as any ancient mystery.

The unlikely heroes of 'Skirmish' just want a quiet life, but are forced to go on a paint-balling weekend by their employer. When they slope off for a quick smoke they stray into a conflict of a very different kind.

'The Glyphs' is set in a run-down town where graffiti artists provide the only colour in a drab world - until something starts erasing their work more efficiently than the local authority.

'The Ptolemaic System' concerns a young academic researching a 17th century alchemist and sorceror, whose quest for immortality may not have been as futile as everyone assumed...

'Where All Past Years Are' offers some insights into human nature from a character who is well-placed to understand us. And put us to good use.

In 'Teddington', a student is very much in love with a girl who has some old-fashioned ideas, and very traditional ways of getting things done.

'Talkers' is a Lovecraftian tale about a conversation in a pub in Newcastle, and reveals the ultimate conspiracy theory. If you believe that sort of thing...

Some people have a way with words. But, in 'Last Writes', words have their way with an unwary person.

What is 'The Heart of England'? A controversial writer who thinks he knows discovers that he may be very mistaken.

Stop Press - I've extended the promotion for an extra day, so if you're reading this on 3rd March, it's still free.

1 comment:

Aonghus Fallon said...

Thanks Dave! I read and enjoyed five of these stories (ie, 'The Ptolomeic System') which you very kindly made free to download a while back, and look forward to reading the other five.

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