Monday 25 March 2013

ST#23 for the electronic set

For people who find it more convenient to pack a million, frillion books into one electronic device that will definitely never be dropped down a toilet or anything, the latest issue can be downloaded as a pdf for the princely sum of £1.79. I'm told that's inexpensive. The point is that you get the same spiffing content as purchasers of the physical magazine, but it's in the form of educated electrons.


Aonghus Fallon said...

That is very reasonable, Valdemar - but why not upload it onto Amazon as well?

valdemar said...

Good question...

valdemar said...

To give a slightly more coherent answer, I did upload an earlier issue of the magazine for Kindle, but it aroused no interest.

Aonghus Fallon said...

Well, Amazon is a very crowded market-place. I only asked because I'm basically lazy. I'll check out the lulu option.

Yet Another Triumph for Glorious Regime of Supernatural Tales - All Citizens Must Engage in Spontaneous Demonstrations of Joyfulness

Helen Grant's Christmas and distinctly Icelandic folk horror story ' Nábrók ' from issue 56 has been selected by Ellen Datlow ...