Monday, 11 June 2012

'The Edge of the Map' by Iain Rowan

This is me reading the shortest story from the current issue of Supernatural Tales. It's about eight minutes long Let me know what you think of this reading with regards to clarity, pace, expression, pronunciation etc. And do you think it would benefit from music and/or special effects, or are you a purist who prefers a plain reading? No right answers, just diverse opinions!


James Everington said...

It might well be my shonky PC, but I can't get that to play I'm afraid...

valdemar said...

Well, we'll have to see whether other people can get it to work. Does it simply not play, or does the little thing move along but no sound come out? If so it might be a volume issue.

valdemar said...

Right, then - I've established that this mp3 player works in Google Chrome, but not in Opera or Firefox. Bugger, bugger, bugger...

valdemar said...

Does anyone out there have a clue how to fix this? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not a clue. It also doesn't work in Explorer (nothing happens)

Anonymous said...

Google Chrome for Windows, maybe. But Google Chrome on Mac is no better than Opera, Firefox, Explorer. Could you reupload this one as you did with the other stories you posted later? Would love to hear it.

valdemar said...

Hi Andrew, I've posted it as a YouTube video. See above this post.

Issue 58 - Story Openings

‘What’s Inside’ by Peter Kenny Hoppy Monday! Early to work for once, you stop to watch Happy Hoppy’s Summer Farm Experience getting rea...