Does anyone think there'd be any interest in compiling volumes (print on demand only) containing early, out-of-print issues of ST? I had in mind the first six or seven issues, which have been unavailable for years now. I would be prepared to publish compilations of these quite slim magazines, perhaps two per volume, on They contain some excellent stories. However it would be a bit of a job because firstly I'd have to track down writers and get their permission, and secondly I would have to go through each issue to proof them more carefully - early numbers were often rather flawed (and not just the early ones).
So, any thoughts? Or should I just leave well alone?
Friday, 4 May 2012
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Issue 58 - Story Openings
‘What’s Inside’ by Peter Kenny Hoppy Monday! Early to work for once, you stop to watch Happy Hoppy’s Summer Farm Experience getting rea...
Some good news - Helen Grant's story 'The Sea Change' from ST11 has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. This follows an inqu...
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Yeah potentially; or how about a 'best of' if you can't get permission for all the stories?
I agree, I think one or more 'best of' volumes would make sense.
I agree, I think one or more 'best of' volumes would make sense.
I would go with a "best of" volume--it would be particularly interesting to see what the top-voted stories were in the earlier issues, since I didn't discover ST until issue 14. :)
Complete is nice, but my first reaction is that I've either completely revised or consider deceased the stories of mine you published in 5 & 8... (you still have 8 in print, tho, don't you?). So, as an author, I'd want the opportunity to do more than just proof the stories... and that would kind of change the project, wouldn't it? It wouldn't be issue #5 as it was if "Ghost Cycle" was completely rewritten.... Maybe a best of saves you the grief of dealing with your more difficult authors....
Adam, there's at least one author I want nothing to do with - and it ain't you! No, it's a paranoid, venomous nutcase who nobody gets on with for more than a year or two.
So, yes, a 'best of' does make more sense. I had thought about the whole revision issue, plus stories already collected in book form. It's tricky, but worth a try. We shall see. But I quite appreciate your position.
'Best of' sounds good to me too.
I've considered a best of for New Genre. I don't know if it'll happen, but I'd see it as a chance to highlight stories that were overlooked. (The best ofs tend to reprint the most conservative stories I've published; from my point of view, that almost always meant the most impressive story was not reprinted.) With New Genre, since we publish horror and sf, I also considered a "best of horror new genre" type thing (easier to market). You might consider a theme: sex and horror in ST. A little trashy, I know.
As for the nutcase author--I'd be in the same boat. It was just one, but the case was pretty extreme.
You might consider pitching this project to another publisher. I have no idea if Chomu or Swan River or Tartarus or Ex Occidente would be interested, but it would take a lot off you if someone else did the design / printing, and you served just as an editor, writing an intro (and perhaps a history of ST). See if you couldn't get one of your better known authors to write an afterword.
Thanks, Adam. I have mentioned the idea of a 'Best Of' casually, but so far no publisher has shown any interest. I may try to pitch it as you suggest. I don't think it's weird enough for Chomu, and I'm not sure Tartarus would want it. Ex Occidente is debatable for several reasons. Oh well.
Tell Chomu that Adam Golaski will revise his ghost-that-turns-a-couple-into-sex-slaves story so it's extra-kinky for their special edition of the ST best of. I'll contribute pictures, too.
I case my vote for "Best of". And for Adam's ghosts-and-sex-slaves story, with the pictures please. You could always put that one out as a chapbook, but then my order would be far too transparent. Please fold that one in amongst the "best of" stories. :-)
So nice to read your lovely aricles and blogs. Thank-you.
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Ghosts & Sex Slaves might be a whole new project for me...
The book may be a better fit at Sarob or Swan River, if they are not already too busy with their existing plans.
Yes, a "best of" would be... best - if Tartarus, Sarob or Swan River did it, well that would be extra special indeed!
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