Saturday, 16 January 2010

Lost Sleep

Just a quick post to say that I've got troubles. My mother had a stroke last Sunday night. She's okay mentally but paralysed down one side and recuperating slowly in hospital. Needless to say this has been a bit stressful for me. To add to my stress my laptop self-destructed and I lost some work on the next issue of ST. I may recover this. Just to let you know lack of posting here won't mean I've abandoned ST; I just feel a need to watch DVDs mindlessly when I'm not actually doing anything important. I'm tired.


Nathaniel Tapley said...

Very sorry to hear that, David. My thoughts are with you, and I hope things get easier soon.



Thornavis said...

Best wishes to both you and your mother.

valdemar said...

Thanks, chaps. Family rallying round (remarkable number of medical types in it) so fingers crossed for a good recovery.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything turns out well for you and your family, David.

valdemar said...

Thanks Jim - you'll be pleased to know that 'Red Christmas' is still doing well in the favourite story voting.

Michael Kelly said...

David, wishing your mother a speedy recovery. Take care of your self.

valdemar said...

Thanks Michael, with luck she'll be moved from the acute coronary ward to a rehab physio hospital very shortly - well, maybe next week. In the meantime I'm planning to spend some time with her during the next few months recording her memories of her wartime childhood etc. for an oral history archive. That'll provide some mental stimulation to go with the physiotherapy.

rich garfinkel said...

Sorry to hear about your mother and hope the situation will improve.

Todd T said...

Very sorry to hear what's happened. Wishing you and your family the best possible outcomes. By all means take time for yourself to unwind - the old adage: if you start to fall apart yourself, you can't help anyone else.

valdemar said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts, guys. Things are getting better, albeit slowly, and I'll be back on track soon.

Tim Foley - Debut Collection

PS Publishing has announced a new book by ST regular Tim Foley. It looks good! There's both a trade paperback and a signed hardcover ed...