Thursday, 19 November 2009

They're Still At It

Those crazy guys at the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society have been filming a new movie for, well, strange aeons and a bit. But they're getting there, and I for one look forward to the finished product. You can read their production blog here. And this is the trailer, which I posted a long time ago. Still good.


Edwin Moore said...


valdemar said...

Thanks, Edwin. Have you seen The Call of Cthulhu, or sampled the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre? All great fun. As someone once remarked, friends are better than critics, and old Lovecraft has some of the best friends of any genre author.

Tim Foley - Debut Collection

PS Publishing has announced a new book by ST regular Tim Foley. It looks good! There's both a trade paperback and a signed hardcover ed...