Thursday 29 November 2007

Well, paint me pink and call me Shirley

... for I am chuffed. Adam Golaski, may his tribe increase, has decided to dedicate his first book to me! Me! That sort of thing normally happens to the Aga Khan or Richard Dawkins, but now I too am in the literary world of tribute and accolade. And of course if he sends me a copy I will review it with clinical impartiality. Just like them proper interlekchuls in the Sunday papers.


Adam Golaski said...

what is this "chuffed?" I think I chuffed a shoe once... please help this foolish American...

Pleased you're pleased. If it would help, I could write the review for you, to ensure its clinical impartiality.

valdemar said...

Chuffed is a British expression, or more precisely a North of England expression, meaning 'pleased' or 'flattered'. It is the opposite of 'narked'. Someone who is 'narked' might well have a 'face like a slapped arse' (see our beloved Prime Minister for a good example). Someone who is chuffed may look as 'happy as a pig in...' well, you work it out.

'Schalken the Painter' by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

A reading by yours truly of one of the all-time classics. I hope you enjoy it!  I'm told my voice sends people to sleep so maybe try it ...