Sunday 22 July 2018

Reader Poll - Banned by Google!

I have encountered a major problem. Google, which owns Blogger (i.e what you're reading) has taken away the poll widget that I've been using. So far as I can see there is no way to add a simple poll to the sidebar over on the right, as I have done for a few years now.

This is a pain. Polls are a bit of harmless fun.

I am going to try and work something out. ST has a Facebook page, and I might try to put a poll on it if I can't manage anything here.

In the meantime, if you let me know your favourite story/stories I will make a note on a small piece of paper.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rats. They are indeed fun. I see that you've come up with a work-around already, and at least the title of the post shows up on the right.

I'm sure I should be able to find it, but could you let me know who won the #37 poll?


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