Friday, 15 June 2018

'Come Not High'

The next story in Michael Eisele's new collection is a bit left-field. It begins with a spaceship landing on a strange planet. We're in the realms of pulp sci-fi. Or are we?

An apparently human being in a fancy space-suit emerges from the shiny ship, arousing the curiosity of the locals. The native life of the planet decide to investigate. It emerges that this world has been 'terraformed' or at least mucked-about with by space-faring humans with almost god-like powers. Without giving too much away, the story raises the interesting possibility that myths may be recreated in the future by science that, to paraphrase Arthur C. Clarke, comes to resemble magic.

This tale reminded me a little of Gene Wolfe's approach to sf, though I don't think it's so successful as Wolfe's best. It might be termed science-fantasy, or sci-folklore, It's a slightly odd inclusion in Tree Spirit & Other Strange Tales, but not unwelcome.

More from this fine-looking volume soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


It's really a shame that the proofreader altered the title, which was originally 'Come Not Nigh', from a version of a song that appears in 'Midsummer's Night Dream' anent the sleeping Titania. I agree, I certainly wouldn't put this tale on a par with Gene Wolfe's opus (gosh!) - just musing on how myth's cycle and recycle.

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