Sunday, 11 August 2013

Supernatural Tales #24 - available to buy online

If you look over to the right you'll note that issues 17-24 are now available to purchase from The print magazine costs just under a fiver plus p&p, while the PDF can be downloaded for just under two pounds.

This is the cover of the eBook version:

The art is by Sam Dawson, and I think it's rather nifty. There'll be more of Sam's artwork in future issues, of course. And he also has a story in the latest issue. 

Here is the list of contents of ST#24, with links to author blogs/sites where I could find 'em:

'The Wife's Lament' by Lynda E. Rucker

'The Boys With the Ball' by Stephen Goldsmith

'Majorlena' by Jane Jakeman

'A Life on the Stage' by John Llewellyn Probert

'Dollhouse by the Sea' by Sean Logan

'Omnia Exeunt in Mysterium' by Michael J. Abolafia

'Man Under' by Sam Dawson

This is an excellent issue, though I say so myself. I aim to provide as wide a range of supernatural fiction as possible, and I think I've found some unique and intriguing tales. The subject matter ranges from Anglo-Saxon poetry to accident on the London Underground via a disastrous Caribbean holiday, while among the settings you'll find a run-down theatre, an unfinished hotel, and a Middle East war zone. And there are terrors and mysteries at every turn, with enough surprises and twists to tickle the most jaded palate. In other words, you'd be a mug not to buy this one.

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